BASCSN Website Disclaimer
This website is provided by BASCSN for information purposes only. While we have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of the information and keep it up to date, we make no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any information or material on our website. Any reliance you place on such information or material is entirely at your own risk.
BASCSN has no control over, or responsibility for, the content, nature or availability of any website to which our website is linked, nor do such links necessarily imply our endorsement or recommendation of the information or views they express. You use such websites entirely at your own risk.
Please contact us if you have a concern about any information contained on this website or on the websites to which it is linked.
Member Data Privacy Notice
This privacy notice sets out the way we process your information and describes our privacy and fair processing policy. We will refer you to this page when we ask you for your consent and we will keep it updated to reflect the things we do with people’s personal information. This means you can be confident when sharing your information with us that it will only be used in the ways we describe here.
If you have any queries about this notice please use the Contact us form on the website or write to us at 10 Halton Road, London N1 2EU or telephone 0207 359 1018.
This policy was last updated on: 3 May 2018
How do we collect information?
We will collect personal information from you when you register as a member with the BASCSN website or take part in our activities such as meetings, online surveys, or otherwise provide us with personal information via direct emails or webforms.
We use:
Social media platforms: Facebook and Twitter
Event marketing platform: Eventbrite
Marketing automation system: MailChimp for email campaigns
Survey system: SurveyMonkey
Money collection: PayPal
What personal information do we collect?
The types of information collected might include: your name, date of birth, job title, place of work, email address, postal address, landline number, mobile phone number; your opinion about a service or issue; and, for some purposes, PayPal information, and, for expense claims or refunds, personal bank details.
Is my data kept securely?
BASCSN has adopted secure data systems that can only be accessed by authorised people within the organisation.
How we use personal information
Personal information provided to us will be used for the purposes outlined at the time of collection or registration, in accordance with your preferences. We will not share your information with a third party outside the organisation without your permission.
Personal data collected and processed by us may be used for the following purposes:
Administration of membership
Fulfilment of orders for services you have requested eg conference registration
Research and statistical analysis, based on aggregated data
Communication with you about our services, information, research projects, membership, meetings and conferences, other activities and events that we think may be of interest to you
Ensuring marketing communications you receive from us are relevant, such as messages tailored for our existing and potential supporters.
BASCSN may contact you by email, text, phone or post. We do not use automated calling, nor do we employ call centres.
How we share data
Personal data collected and processed by us may be shared with the following groups where necessary: contractors, advisors and agents we employ on defined tasks; and employees.
We will only share the data to the extent required to fulfil our obligations to you. We will control the ways in which those working with or for BASCSN use such data, including how they can access and use it and how long they retain it.
We will not sell or share your personal information or allow any other organisation to use it.
How long do we keep data?
BASCSN will keep personal data only for as long as is necessary. We will review the retention of data records on a regular basis to ensure that they remain accurate and relevant. Records will be updated, securely deleted or archived when it is no longer appropriate to keep them.
Accessing your personal data held by BASCSN
You have the right to ask us for a copy of the personal data held about you (known as a ‘subject access request’). You can also ask us to correct any inaccuracies you become aware of or delete your data.
We will send you this information as soon as possible but within a month of receiving your request To enquire about personal data held by us, please use the Contact us form on the website or write to: Tim Dean, 10 Halton Road, London N1 2EU.
There are instances where it is useful to record what you have done previously on our website so that we don’t have to ask you the same question again. Cookies enable us to do this.
About this page
This page will be updated from time to time to reflect any adjustments to how we handle your data. By using this website as a member, you are deemed to have accepted any changes. If you have queries about any information on this page, please contact us.